Pocono Sew and Vac Embraces Social Media!

Published on Wednesday, Aug 13, 2014 at 5:45 AM -

It’s time. Pocono Sew and Vac is embracing social media to bring you more info, more inspiration, more ideas, and simply more of everything sewing, embroidery, and quilt-related. We love keeping our customers up to date via our emails and Facebook, and now we are on:

We're planning on giving you more of what we do best. Check out Instagram every week for Fran’s fabric pics and Twitter for weekly updates on our repair shelf status along with other tweets and posts that are sure to inspire and peak your interest. We’ll also be here on our blog posting about what’s going on in the store, new events and classes, new machines, new accessories and any items or ideas which we feel may be of benefit to you, our valued customers. Can YouTube be far behind? Not for us :). Don’t forget our hashtag #poconosewandvac so you can follow us.

Keep busy with those machines and have a great day quilting, sewing, and embroidering!