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A ball point needle is made especially for stretch and elastic materials and tightly woven fabrics.
The head of the ball point needle has a snake's head shape due to a combination of both a slightly bulged eye and a reduced blade over the eye. The bulged eye opens a slightly larger space in the material and the thinner blade reduces contact between the needle and the fabric. This results in a lowering of needle heat up, preventing skip stitches. The tip is a light ball point to separate the fibers rather than cutting, avoiding needle holes in the fabric. The scarf of the needle is deeper allowing for a larger loop for forming the stitch, eliminating skipped stitches. The needle size should be chosen based on the weight of the fabric.
Needle size 11 - light to medium weight fabrics.
Needle size 14 - works best for medium weight fabrics
Packs contain:
- Five (5) Size 11
- Five (5) Size 14
- Assorted pack: one (1) Size 9, one (1) Size 11, and three (3) Size 14
Size 11 Part Number: 990211000
Size 14 Part Number: 990214000
Assorted pack Part Number: 990200000
Guaranteed to fit because it is a part.